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Lambretta (Innocenti) Lui 75 (75 S, 75 SL, Vega, Cometa)

Lambretta (Innocenti) Lui 75 (75 S, 75 SL, Vega, Cometa)


Lambretta Lui
(like Luna, Vega & Cometa)

The Lui (also called Vega in some export markets) was designed to secure the market share in the 50cc class, after the J-range only achieved disappointing sales figures. To keep the production cost down, the scooter's equipment was reduced to the necessary minimum. In order to avoid a cheap appearance, Nuccio Bertone, a renowned vehicle designer was given the task of creating a suitable livery for the lightweight model. Indeed his design for Lui and Vega was a futuristic masterpiece which looks just as up-to-date today as in 1968, when the slogan “All for Lui and Lui for all” was created.

The frame consists of a front and a rear piece. While the front is made from conventional tubular steel, the rear is a pressed steel item. The suspension was adapted from the J-range, while the brake drums were made entirely from steel. Most of the mechanical system was taken over from the J.

Lui 75 S & SL

Only a few months after the launch of the Lui 50, Innocenti presented the Lui 75 at the 15th Tokyo Motor Show, being the only European exhibitor present. The Lui 75, also dubbed Vega, was available in two versions: S and SL. Compared to the 50cc models, the 75 had a upgraded electric system to power high beam and brake light. Similar to the 50 S both 75 versions had a dual seat and a motocross-style up-and- over exhaust. The engine's power output was 5,2 hp, giving a rather quick acceleration thanks to the 4-speed gearbox.

The main difference between the S and the SL however is the autolube system called “Lubematic”. It was the first autolube system fitted to a mass-production Italian scooter.

Both versions were only available in two colour schemes: Ochre and metallic grey. The main visible difference between the two is a Lubematic sticker at the legshiels of the SL.

Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no.:
Lui 75
75 cc


Lui 75 S, SL – 1st version
(March 1968 until beginning of 1969)

Lambretta badge at the left of the legshields over the 50 C or CL badge, no ball-ends at the levers, chromed grille behind the headlight.


Lui 75 S, SL – 2nd version
(beginning of 1969 until December 1970)

No Lambretta badge at the legshields, ball-end brake and clutch levers, chromed grille behind the headlight with Innocenti label. Few scooters have an additional little Innocenti badge over the Lui badge.


Original paint (Lechler)

Grigio Met. (Silber)
Giallo Ocra (Ocker)
Veicolo (generale)
denominazione: Lui 75 (75 S, 75 SL, Vega, Cometa)
anno di costruzione: 1968, 1969, 1970
numero telaio: 20/8
numero esemplari prodotti: 9402
colori: ocra (8080)
Veicolo dimensioni
lunghezza: 1700 mm
larghezza: 656 mm
altezza: 1028 mm
altezza seduta: 770 mm
interasse: 1202 mm
capacità serbatoio benzina: 6 l
di cui riserva (benzina): 0.8 l
peso (a vuoto): 76 kg
Veicolo ruote
pneumatico anteriore: 3.00 - 10
pneumatico posteriore: 3.00 - 10
cerchio ruota anteriore: 2.10 - 10
cerchio ruota posteriore: 2.10 - 10
Veicolo freni
tipo freno anteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno anteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø anteriore: 125 mm
tipo freno posteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno posteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø posteriore: 150 mm
Veicolo sospensione
tipo sospensione anteriore: forcella trailing link, solo molla
tipo sospensione posteriore: ammortizzatore
Veicolo motore
cilindrata: 74.4 cm³
corsa: 44 mm
alesaggio: 46.4 mm
tipo di motore: 2 tempi
numero cilindri: 1
tipo di raffreddamento: ad aria
potenza (kW): 3.68 kW
potenza (CV): 5
giri/min (P max): 6300
rapporto di compressione: 1:9.3
preparazione miscela: carburatore
carburatore: Dell'Orto SH1/20
avviamento: leva avviamento
frizione: manuale
marca motore: Innocenti
velocità massima: 82.5 km/h
tipo motore: 2 tempi
normativa emissioni: nessuna
Veicolo motore - accensione
tipo di accensione: accensione a puntine
anticipo accensione: 21
distanza contatti: 0.4 mm
potenza (luce): 33 W
tensione: 6 V
candela: (NGK) B7ES
Veicolo motore - ingranaggi cambio
tipo cambio: manuale
numero marce: 3
rapportatura primaria - 1:: 3.538
rapportatura 1a marcia - 1:: 5.44
rapportatura 2a marcia - 1:: 3.538
rapportatura 3a marcia - 1:: 2.625
rapportatura 4a marcia - 1:: 1.95
rapportatura totale - 1:: 6.9
Fahrzeug Betriebsstoffe
carburante: Super (ROZ 95)
rapporto miscela: 1:50
olio ingranaggi: SAE80
quantità olio ingranaggi: 0.5 l
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